Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Abe Lincoln is my new hero. He actually always has been my favorite president 'cause he was the Great Emancipator, but I really have rekindled my love for him by visiting Gettysburg. It amazes me that anyone could have thought the Gettysburg Address a bad speech, but there were many critics in the day. My history teacher at the UofA always used to say "the more things change the more they stay the same." That used to bother me as much as "you can't have your cake and eat it too", but now I know exactly what he is saying. Our government and politics haven't changed a bit. Different names, different issues, but the same 'ol crap. One thing I have noticed while in history school over here in the East is that the speeches of the 17th through the middle of the 20th centuries were so much more eloquent. Can you imagine the Gettysburg address by ol' George W.? "Well heck, about 87 years ago the fella's that sat down and started this country here on North 'merica thought that everybody ought to be free and the same. We are now in the midst of a huge war 'mongst ourselves which is testin' whether or not this thing is goin' to work..." watch C-Span if you need more. I can't believe it. What happened to us as a country that we would elect an illiterate. It is hard to find someone who will own up to electing him the second time isn't it? This isn't a political blog, so I won't take a chance on offending.

It is sobering to walk around the battlefield at Gettysburg and think of all of the lives that were sacrificed to prove to us as a nation that we can't let any issue divide us in order to prosper and remain strong. It seems like a huge unnecessary sacrifice of youth, but what war doesn't? Now look at Iraq. "The more things change the more they stay the same." I forgot, I'm not allowed to get philosophical. My apologies to Tuna and Jeff.

R.V. life is sitting in the dining room typing on the computer, getting a beer from the fridge and opening it with a bottle opener from the kitchen drawer, turning on the stereo in the front and not even leaving my seat at the dinette. Tight confines has it's benefits.

Kim is back in the master bedroom vocalizing the answers to Jeopardy. She is accurately adding the "What is.." and the "Who is.." with her responses. She is either trying to stay sharp for her Jeopardy try-out or she is trying to impress her husband. I guess we are all guilty. I feel like such an idiot through 90 percent of the questions, the ones I can't answer, that I have to shout out the ones I know just to convince myself or anyone listening that not all the file drawers are empty. Kim has bad allergies right now so i am hearing siffle.."what is leopard"..sniffle "what are ants"..sniffle, "who is Bill Cosby".

We will be fortunate enough to watch American Idol tonight. I hope the little shifty-eyed, lip-licking, child molesting Catholic priest-to -be, David Archuleta gets the boot. See what a year off will do for you, you will actually care about American Idol. I also can't stand the dread-lock, brain dead, in a constant smoked-a-good-bud stupor Jason Castro, so I hope he goes too. David Cook for Idol or I am never watching another one. Hee, hee I can't wait to text tonight. Just kidding! I haven't stooped that low.

That's my blog of low pertinence. We are headed to Amish country near Lancaster, PA and Hershey to eat chocolate tomorrow, so I am sure Kim will give you a hopped up on chocolate review.
Photos: 1. Fields near Gettysburg 2. North Carolina Soldiers Monument 3. Cemetery with unknown soldier's graves 4.Eternal Light monument dedicated by FDR in 1938 saw around 1800 Civil War veterans attend at average age of 93 and a total of 250,000 attendees. 5.overlook from Little Round Top mountain, which was a decisive Union stronghold


Anonymous said...

Yes, Abe Lincoln was a great president and George W. is illiterate, but personally I think David Archuletta is a gay mormon not a future Catholic priest. Washington D.C. and Gettysburg moved me as well and made me feel quite ignorant and shallow. Our forefathers were very philosophical men. Have fun in Hershey. Go to the Hotel Hershey and have a gooey desert for me.

Anonymous said...

Mary is right about the faithful blog readers missing the Chipper and Crab (I mean Oaf) travel entries. I guess the life of travel has taken the crab out of you James? Anyway, I think the two of you should continue your blog upon returning. Keep us all in the loop of how you’re doing post travel – what it’s like to be thrown back into the everyday life real world. Could be interesting, just because it’s over for the two of you shouldn’t mean it has to be over for the rest of us. All those in favor…say “aye”.

Unknown said...

"aye"! and... I agree with Janet. I'm not feeling the catholic priest route. gay mormon seems more likely. poor little man. I hear his pop is a nightmare stage parent. so forgive him if he's a wee bit twitchy. and jason castro is easy on the eyes, but good riddance. he checked out a while back. I watched a travel show on Hershey and the hotel really seems so cool - chocolate spa treatments, chocolate in all the food (mole anyone?) everything! FEAST! and give intricate details of everything!!!!

xoxo, T.

Anonymous said...

AYE. AYE agree with Donna . By the way, whats a pirates favorite letter? Its P cause its an R with a missing leg. aaa haa haa.